Saturday, October 30, 2010

Taking Care of Business Press Event

The day of the press event started early for me. I had been stressed out a little about getting all our final pieces together to help be a part of a great event for 27 Mannequins. The t-shirts were the biggest deal for the marketing team. We had sent in our t-shirt information a month before we actually needed them and then the week before we were suppose to get them we got an e-mail telling us that our logo's weren't opening on their computers. Since we have been working as a team to get all of our marketing done, different people had different parts of the marketing. Getting the logos changed into the format that they told us to use in a quick turn around was a challenge. I personally felt bad in class when everyone was disappointed about not having the t-shirt the day before the event but it was hard to explain that the company we choose to work with waited till the last minute to check our logos. In the end though I felt that the t-shirts looked great and all of the class wearing them at the event looked great!

I got to the event for the second half. I guess I honestly expected there to be more people besides our class. I don't know if I just missed the press being there. But I thought the point of the event was to get our fashion show out in the Muncie area.

Overall though, I felt that Ashley had the room set up very nice and the food was great. She really had made a welcoming environment for people to learn what our class has worked so hard to bring together. I hope that all the efforts of marketing as well as the press event will get people interested to come to the fashion show that we have worked so hard to put on along with the Career Center.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Business Classy

With our 27 Mannequins and Career Center presents Taking Care of Business fashion show is quickly approaching as well as graduation around the corner, all I've been thinking about is business fashion. I have always loved the classy, polished, put together look but have never had a place to really wear it. Picking out stuff for my mom and dad to wear to work was the only real way I have been able to express my favorite looks until the last few years where I have worked in an environment that allows to express that passion. Here are a few looks I love!
I love layers on men and women. Men wearing layers is something that I feel is becoming more popular in the last few years. With the layers being offered in my lighter fabrics so that wearing layers isn't just to keep warm. The outfit to the left is a look from Banana Republic. The argyle sweater with a woven button up and dress slacks are a good way to dress for work without having to wear a suit.

 Even thought I feel that this skirt is too short for a work environment I think it has a great concept for an outfit if the skirt was a little longer. The boot with knee high socks or tights, a skirt, and a sweater with button up layered under. Practical while still keeping the current style. I feel like many of these piece could be used in different ways as trends and fashions change. This outfit is also from Banana Republic.

This is the traditional suit but in a color that isn't seen that often. I like it because the change in color from black or navy that are seen very often on men. I also feel like this suit could be paired with a lot of different colors as well as dressing it up with just a tie and a button up or dress it down with a sweater.This suit is from J.Crew.

This look is a little dressier. But paired with a black or even tan suit jacket could make it more of a day to night look that would be great for work day that has plans after. I love the color. I feel that it would look good on almost every skin tone. Even adding tights to this look could change it up. It is a very visual piece which I think is a great attention getter. This dress is also from J.Crew.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fashion Beats

Music icons are some leaders in the fashion because designers are dressing them to make statements.
Beyonce has been in the music industry for a while now. Her mother, Tina Knowles did her fashion's for the girls when she was a part of Destiny's child. Beyonce and Tina work together for their House of Dereon line. It works well having Beyonce as the tie to the company because she has always had great style being in the public eye.
To learn more about the House of Dereon and to see some of the clothing as well as were to buy them check out this link,
Rihanna is always trying something new and different. Even though the photo to the right isn't something you will see most people wearing on the street it is something new that hasn't been seen in a while. The tulle skirt reminds me of Madonna during the 80's.  Right now a lot of the styles she is wearing seem 80's inspired. Like the outfit on the right the bright solid color jacket and the bold stripes paired together would be something that would have been worn then and seem to coming back strong. Rihanna is for sure rocking this look.
For more Rihanna looks check out People.

One of my favorite show's is Glee! Even though it is television it is based on music of past and present. One of the stars Lea Michele has great personal fashion, even though her look on the show is up tight. She has the classic look to her. In the picture to the left she is wearing black and white. It is a covering outfit but she looks great. The belt at her waste makes her look even smaller then she already is. Even at formal events she looks clean and classic. She always wears outfit to show off her small figure. Her fit of her clothing seems to be done properly as well to which is always important. Her style is beautiful and something I personally admire.