Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fun with Fashion

One of my new favorite songs is one by Katy Perry. So while listening to her today I started to think about all her fashion statements and what she could possibly wear for this song. She is so pretty and confident that she can pull off crazy fashions that no one would ever try and look amazing while doing so.

This is one of those looks that a lot of people questioned but I think she wore it well. She was at an MTV event, which isn't a super formal event and is totally the place to have fun.

In the picture to the left the dress looks like a real try at trying to look amazing on the red carpet, no tricks and games. But really her dress would light up with LED lights.

This dress Katy is in on the right is an example of a classic and simple dress. There is really no extras to this except her just looking great!

Her looks maybe crazy but you can't say they aren't fun to look at. Fashion has always been said to be an art and Katy Perry shows that art off. One will never know how she will show up at an event. It may be classy, it may have a twist or it could just be straight up strange. We always know that it will be something to talk about. That is why I love her fashions!

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