Monday, November 15, 2010

This Is It!

    The day of the show was finally here. We all had been working so hard to put on a show that met the standards of other shows if not surpass them. I was surprised that we got everything done as fast as we did that morning. It made me more anxious for the show to start. Being able to see everything put together in how we envisioned it was an eye opener. Knowing that we, as students could do this, I could only imagine what else could be done professionally. 
   It was so exciting to see everyone dressed in business clothing. We are use to seeing each other in jeans everyday that it was a nice change of pace. It made me wish we would have had more a business fair after so that we were really able to show off all that we had to companies that we would potentially want to work for. 
  With the time getting closer, people started to arrive. The room slowly started to fill. Watching the people look through the packets that we had worked so hard on was exciting. There were things that I personally worried about all that was within the packets. The folders were full of information, small papers, and coupons. With all of them not being held together everything was falling out of the folders. 
   Overall though I thought the show went off with a bang. A few hick-ups but nothing that made the show a disaster. I was proud to say that I was a part of the event!

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